Invisible hands for Invincible business

Data & Analytics

Unlocking Insights: Harnessing the Power of Data Analysis

We believe that Data is the new gold, and here at Zegatron, you can make the most of your data. Zegatron is a platform to access insightful data on market trends, customer buying and decision-making behaviour, and your business performance. Our Data analytics services aim to provide the best possible assistance to all companies of all sizes in making data-driven decisions and staying one step ahead of the competition.

With experienced Data Analysts and data scientists on our team who are ever ready to do their best to collect, examine, and interpret data from a range of sources, such as client reviews, market trends, social media, and more, we can help you with best effective data-driven decisions. We use the most up-to-date analytical tools and methods like POWER BI, TABLUEA, PYTHON, EXCEL and More to dig deep and find insightful data that can improve business operations and boost revenue.

We offer individual data and analytics solutions suited to each client’s requirements. We have the skills to produce outcomes whether you require assistance with data integration, predictive analytics, or data visualization.


What We Think


Rocket’s active portfolio spans more than 200 companies on six continents.


In 2018 Rocket’s selected companies provided employment for more than 42,000 people.


Rocket listed companies with a total valuation of c. EUR 30bn.